Sociolinguistic Analysis of Netizens' Impoliteness on Instagram: The Case of Anang Ashanty's Performance During the Indonesia vs. Philippines

Adhira Lushita Wardani, Rosita Ambarwati, Firda Rohmania Noor Arhosya, Jihan Rizqulloh


In recent years, social media has gotten to be a essential stage for netizens to associated and express their conclusions, with Instagram being one of the foremost well known stages for sharing substance. Be that as it may, intelligent on this stage are not continuously positive, regularly reflecting a range of behaviors from strong to unfriendly. This considers points to analyze netizen incivility on Instagram, centering particularly on Anang Ashanty's execution amid the Indonesia vs. Philippines coordinate. Utilizing Culpeper's (1996) hypothesis of positive lack of consideration, the inquire about investigates methodologies outlined to weaken recipients' wants to be enjoyed, acknowledged, and acknowledged. A subjective approach was utilized, comprising of a few stages: selecting significant Instagram posts, taking screenshots of blistering comments, and translating these comments for examination. The discoveries uncover a tall predominance of lack of consideration, with roughly 75% of comments containing negative estimations. Methodologies recognized incorporate coordinate insuperable, mockery, and negative assessments, which not as it were study the execution but moreover amplify to individual assaults. This behavior highlights the complex flow of online interaction and the critical affect of social standards and societal desires on computerized talk. The ponder underscores the require for advancing civility and compassion in social media intelligent to make a steadier online environment. By understanding these sociolinguistic variables, partners can work towards relieving the negative impacts of online lack of consideration on people and communities.


Netizen incivility, Impoliteness strategy, Instagram interaction

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Copyright (c) 2024 Adhira Lushita Wardani, Rosita Ambarwati, Firda Rohmania Noor Arhosya, Jihan Rizqulloh

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