A Stylistic Analysis of Figurative Language in Spike Lee’s Movie Script BlacKkKlansman

Edy Tya Dewi Cahyani, Aris Wuryantoro


Stylistics can generally be called a study that examines literature from a linguistic point of view. Figurative language is on of the categories of stylistics which usually used by authors to convey meaning in sentences aesthetically. Movies themselves are literary works which tell a story using a conflict, because they are based on a written script, even though it is not written on the screen. Bearing this all-in mind, the researcher believes that in this world under the badly sensitive society, people tend to use figurative language more often in their social conversation whether it is written or spoken. That is why the researcher feels the need to apply stylistic analysis, especially on figurative language in this research and the BlacKkKlansman movie script as the research object. This research applied a qualitative method using descriptive research design. The result shows there are eight types of figurative language where metonymy is the highest number of found with 19 data. Along with the functions where three functions are found in the BlacKkKlansman movie script. The researcher found that by using figurative language, the writer of the movie script are using the past to show the harsh world people live in now.


stylistics; figurative; BlacKkKlansman; social issues

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