Analysis of English – Indonesian Translation in “The Little Mermaid” Movie

Nilam Setiawati, Yuli Kuswardani, Theresia Budi Sucihati


The purpose of this study is to describe the quality of translation (accuracy, acceptability, readability). This research have 3 research question, 1). how is the translation accuracy in the film “The Little Mermaid” ?, 2).how is the translation acceptability in film “The Little Mermaid”?, 3). how is the translation readability in film “The Little Mermaid”?. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected using purposive sampling method. To collect data, researchers used documentation techniques. The document analyzed is transkrip subtitle from film “The Little Mermaid”. There is 1 riter and 3 rider from this research. The first riter is from the lecturer who teaches translation material, the first reader is from my friend at Jakarta State University, the second and third readers are from my classmates who understand translation material. The result of this research in accuracy have 94 % accurate, 6% less accurate from the riter. 78 % accurate, 19% less accurate, 3% inaccurate from the reader 1. 87 % accurate, 13% less accurate from reader 2. 86% accurate, 14% less accurate from reader 3. In acceptability there is 66% acceptable and 34% less acceptable from the riter. 82% acceptable and 18% less acceptable from the reader 1. 93% acceptable and 7% less acceptable from the reader 2. 99% acceptable and 1% less acceptable from the reader 3. In Readability there is 84% readible and 16% less readible from the riter. 72% readible and 28% less readible from the reader 1. 80% readible, 17% less readible, 3% unreadable from the reader 2. 87% readible, 12% less readible, 1% unreadable from the reader 3.


translation quality; accuracy; acceptability; readability; subtitle movie;

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