Analysis of Subtitle Translation on English – Indonesian in “Elemental” Movie

Berliana Nur Hafidhah, Yuli Kuswardani, Theresia Budi Sucihati


The purpose of this study is to describe the technique and the quality of translation (readability). This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected using purposive sampling method. To collect data, researcher used documentation techniques. This research instrument was validated and the technique and quality of translation was assessed by rater and reader’s. The first finding in this study is that, there are 9 sentences (4%) use Adaptation, there are 13 sentences (5,8%) use Amplification, there are 10 sentences (4,4%) use Linguistic Amplification, there are 2 sentences (0,9%) use Generalization, there are 4 sentences (1,8%) use Calque, there are 5 sentences (2,2%) use Established Equivalent, there are 4 sentences (1,8%) use Linguistic Compression, there are 21 sentences (9,3%) use Modulation, there are 8 sentences (3,5%) use Borrowing, there are 99 sentences (44%) use Literal Translation, there are 10 sentences (4,4%) use Reduction, there are 2 sentences (0.9%) use Substitution and there are 47 sentences (20,9%) use Transposition. The second finding in this study is that 91% are high readable, 8% are middle readable and 1% are low readable of rater. The third finding in this study is that, 93% are high readable, 4% are middle readable and 3% are low readable of reader 1. The fouth finding in this study is that, 86% are high readable, 10% are middle readable and 4% are low readable of reader 2. The fifth finding in this study is that, 80% are high readable, 19% are middle readable and 1% are low readable of reader 3.


translation technique; readability; Elemnetal Movie

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