Politeness Strategies in Multicultural Setting of “Lara Ati” Movie by Bayu Skak

Andi Nurul Aini, Dwi Setiyadi, Sigit Ricahyono


Politeness in developments of globalization communication not only encounter the multicultural of society in real life, but also in the mass media. Therefore, people need a politeness strategy to avoid misunderstanding when communicating in the multicultural of society. In this study the researcher uses the Descriptive Qualitative method. The data collecting techniques is documentation. Data analysis of this study uses Miles & Huberman’s theory (1994). This study aims to find the politeness strategies of the conversation from characters in the “Lara Ati” 2022 movie by Bayu Skak. The source of the data in the movie reaches out of 70 utterances from 16 characters. The researcher used Scollon & Scollon (2001) theory to analyze the Involvement and Independence politeness strategies. The results of this research are 50% in the involvement strategies divided into three systems are 20% solidarity systems, 20% hierarchy down systems and 10% data inappropriate systems. As for in the independence strategies with the amount of 50% divided into three systems are 20% deference systems, 20% hierarchy up systems and 10% data inappropriate systems. The relation between realizations of the politeness strategies and multicultural setting of society dominant appears from the original Surabaya, European, Arabic and Maduranese ethnics.


Politeness Strategies; Multicultural setting of society; Lara Ati Movie.

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