An Analysis of English Textbook: Pathway to English for the Tenth Grade by Erlangga

Andy Nugroho Yusuf, Nuri Ati Ningsih, Rizqi Husaini


A textbook is one of the many kinds of instructional materials used in learning. This study aims to describe the English textbook entitled "Pathway to English" by Erlangga for the tenth grade of senior high school meet the criteria of good textbook in the textbook evaluation that Demir & Ertas suggest.  The suggested evaluation checklist comprises 56 items under four basic sections based on Demir & Ertas (2014) that researcher used. According to their theory, these criteria consist of subjects & contents, skills & sub-skills, layout & physical makeup, and practical consideration. This research uses a library review research design, content analysis techniques, and a descriptive qualitative approach. The researcher presents the data obtained and the conclusion. The data is collected by using documentation technique which involves finding, evaluating, and verifying the relevant documents. This theory uses the checklist to analyze data. The results of this study indicate that the English textbook "Pathway to English" for grade X students meets the criteria that researcher use based on the theory of Demir & Ertas. The textbook follows the objectives of the Merdeka Curriculum. 


Textbook evaluation; English Textbook; Checklist evaluation

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