Language Style Used by Denny Sumargo’s Podcast

Sekar Resta Puspitasari, Dwi Setiyadi


This research aims to analyze the language styles used by Denny Sumargo by focusing on three main aspects: identifying the types of language styles used by Denny Sumargo, describing the social domain used by Denny Sumargo in using these language styles, and explaining their meaning. language style. This research uses Joo’s theory (1976), Janet Holmes theory (1992), and Searle theory (1976). Descriptive qualitative method is the method used in research. Based on the research results, there are three language styles used by Denny Sumargo in his podcast with 126 data taken from three different videos. There are 49 data for consultative style, 41 data for casual style, and 36 data for intimate style. Next, 5 examples of data from 91 data are displayed which correspond to the 4 social domains used by Denny Sumargo in his conversations with guest stars. Finally, illusory words or actions were found in this study which were aimed at 14 data samples from 51 data that corresponded to 5 illusory actions. Assertive 3 data, directive 3 data, commissive 2 data, expressive 3 data, and declarative 3 data.


Language Style; Denny Sumargo; Podcast

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