Language Features: Analysis of Women and Men Language in Birds of Prey Movie by Cathy Yan

Tasya Amelliya Kharisma Putri, Aris Wuryantoro


“BIRDS OF PREY” movie is about a spin off from the previous movie Suicide Squad, in which Harley Quinn is romantic with the Joker played by Jared Leto. The movie tends to show different way of women and men characters statement in the conversation. The different is about language features that women and men characters use. Therefore, the researcher is interested in analysing the film BIRDS OF PREY so that the research is titled “Language Features: Analysis of Women and Men Language in BIRDS OF PREY Movie by Cathy Yan”. This research aims to find out the different language features that use by women and men characters and also the language features of men that used by women. This research is qualitative descriptive using Lakoff language features theory. The result of this study is women shown women used intensifier which means that they were giving emphasis to the statement and express the superlatives and heavily stressed about something. Different with women, men talk more taboo and ten to use swear words. This is the way they show the emotion and attitude towards someone in their communication.


Language features; movie; women language; men language

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