Understanding Family Language Policy Among English Teachers: A Case Study

Fatur Rahmat Rasyid, Irfan Rifai


This study aims to understand family language policy, specifically focusing on the language policy of English teachers in the city of Sidoarjo. The study examines the rationale, implementation, and challenges of implementing a particular language policy. The research follows a qualitative case study framework, utilizing interviews with six English teachers and observations conducted by a co-researcher. The interviews provide primary data on the reasons for initiating, implementing, and facing challenges with the language policy, while observations offer supplementary data on daily conversations between participants and family members. The findings reveal that factors such as identity, ethnicity, social status, religious beliefs, and instrumental life expectations influence English teachers' implementation of family language policy. Most English teachers adhere to a Javanese language policy within their families, while others prefer an Arabic language policy. Despite encountering challenges during implementation, the participants express confidence in consistently following the rule of thumb for their family language policy. These findings highlight that although the participants are English teachers with an educational and professional background in English, they tend to apply a different language family policy within their own families.


family language policy; English Teachers; A Case Study

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