Independent Curriculum in High School: It’s Implementation and Teachers’ Challenges in English Language Learning Classroom

Siti Maria Ulfa


The changing of the new Independent Curriculum at schools especially in high schools bring various impacts to the process that happened in the classroom language learning. That is why, it is important to take a deeper sight of the implementation of it and also teachers’ challenges. The purpose of this study was to depict the implementation of new curriculum, namely independent curriculum, also, the teachers’ challenges inside of the English language classroom. There were several instruments used to gain the deep answers. Interviews and observation were used here. The subjects were two English teachers who teaches in two different Senior High Schools. The results indicate that English teachers encountered difficulties implementing independent curricula due to a shortage of time for both material preparation and comprehending the concept. Teachers knew how differentiated learning was implemented, how to use formative and summative assessments to conduct learning evaluation, and the content of English language resources. Nevertheless, the content of learning the six skills, including the application of text-based approach and student-centered learning, was not properly interpreted by these English teachers. The study's findings indicate that these instructors' poor implementation of autonomous curriculum was caused by their ignorance of how to comprehend its many components.


independent curriculum; challenges; implementation; language learning classroom

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