Save Chiharus! How Important Forests to Life? (An Ecocritical Study of The Novel 'Kekal' By Jalu Kancana)

Dwiana Binti Yulianti


Literary works may include numerous representations of human life, one of which is connected to the environment. The most recent method of critiquing a discourse on environmental concerns is called eco-criticism. This study tries to describe the eco-criticism included in Jalu Kancana's novel Kekal. An eco-critical perspective and a descriptive qualitative research methodology were both used in this study. The information source is a book-length document. The results of this study indicate that there are seven destructive literary ecocritics. They are forest destruction, transfer of function of nature reserve, new land clearing, pollution , looting of nature reserves, loss of animal habitat, carbon trading. Through this novel, the author conveys messages about nature conservation. Natural conservation must always be maintained because sustainable forests are a source of life for humans and other living things. Vice versa, natural damage will be a source of disaster for human life and other living things. Thus it can be concluded that the results of this study can contribute to the development of eco-criticism in Indonesia. The results of this research are expected to be a reference for readers in raising awareness in protecting the environment so that the environment remains sustainable and can provide benefits to living things.


eco-criticism; the novel Kekal; forest; nature conservation.

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