The Effect of Using MURDER Strategy in Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text for Tenth Grade Students

Ria Khaulafa Rosyada, Nuri Ati Ningsih, Vita Vendityaningtyas


The purpose of this research is to investigate whether the students who are taught by using MURDER strategy have better reading comprehension skill than the students who are taught by using conventional teaching. This research uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design. The population in this research is tenth grade students at SMK N 1 Mejayan. The samples in this research are students of classes X-RPL 1 and X-TO 2. The data was collected using a reading test on descriptive text. The researcher used SPSS version 25 and Independent Sample T-test to analyze the students' scores. The results showed that the use of MURDER strategy had an effect on students' reading comprehension ability. The reading scores after the treatment in the experimental class proved to be higher. The average score was 74.28 in the experimental class and 44.57 in the control class. This shows that there is a significant difference in the reading comprehension ability of students taught by using the MURDER strategy with students taught by using conventional teaching. Based on the explanation above, the use of MURDER strategy has a significant effect in reading comprehension skill of descriptive text.


Teaching Reading; Reading Comprehension; MURDER Strategy

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