The Implementation of Mind Mapping Method as an Effort to Improve Narrative Writing Skill of The Fourth-Grade Students of Islamic Primary School

Cahyo Hasanudin


This study aimed at (1) describing the implementation of mind mapping method to improve the narrative writing skills of fourth-grade students, (2) knowing the improvement of writing skill of the fourth-grade students in the academic of year 2016/2017 after the implementation mind mapping method. This research is a classroom action research. The data were collected through observation, interview, test, and document analysis. The conclusions of this research are (1) the implementation of mind mapping method in teaching narrative writing skill of the fourth-grade students can improve student’s skill in every indicator of cycle I and II, (2) the improvement of student’s skill in narrative writing skill can be seen from the percentage of pre-action (40%) or four students who achieved the passing grade (KKM). There were eight students (73%) who achieved the passing grade in cycle I, and ten students (92%) who achieved the passing grade and one student (8%) had not achieved the passing grade yet in cycle II.


Mind mapping; Narrative Writing

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