The role of teachers in facing students’ special needs (Case study in SDN 02 Taman Madiun)

Dewi Tryanasari, Asmaul Huda


This study aims to describe the roles, problems, and teacher solutions related to the ADHD students’ problems in class IV SDN 02 Taman Madiun. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The subject of this study was ADHD students at grade IV. The object of this research was the role of the teacher. Data collection techniques in this study used observation and interviews. Data were analyzed by steps of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Validity test of the data using source triangulation and method triangulation. The results of this study indicated that the teacher's role in dealing with ADHD students who have been implemented by grade IV teachers is as a guide and supervisor, that is finding and understanding students’ problems and finding solutions to these problems. As a counselor, teacher must give attention and guidance and provide opportunities to the progress of students’ confident. The obstacle of the teacher in handling ADHD students is that the concentration of students is easily distracted and unfocused, cannot be silent, and mood is unstable. The teacher's solution in dealing with ADHD students is that they must stay away from not conducive environment, no punishment / punishment, does not suggest students go public, gives examples of good behavior and model.


teachers’ role; special needs students

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