Empowering Science Process Skill and Critical Thinking Through Guided Inquiry in Science Learning

Pinkan Amita Tri Prasasti


The purpose of this research is to empower the Science Process Skill and critical thinking skills. This study is a quasi-experimental study. The research design uses Pretest Posttest Only Control Group Design which is divided into two groups namely experimental group using guided Inquiry and control group using lecture and discussion method. The sample in the study was taken from semester 2 consisting of 10 classes and then selected by cluster random sampling and taken 2 class, that is class 2C as experiment class by comparing pretest and posttest result and compare with class 2D as control class. The instruments used were questionnaires, observation sheets, interviews and tests. Analysis of research data influence Guided Inquiry model in empowering critical thinking ability using inferential analysis. Inferential statistical analysis was performed by Paired sample t test using SPSS 18 analysis program and calculated by Ngain. The result of hypothesis test analysis using t-test with significance level 5% result of significance equal to p = 0,000 and value = 0,013. The effectiveness of guided inquiry demonstrated a high category increase in Science Process Skill empowerment with 0.72 gain and significance of p = 0,000 and critical thinking ability with 0.70 gain and significance of p = 0,000.


Guided Inqury; Science Process Skill (SPS); Critical Thinking

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