Bagus Mardika, Sri Utami, Joko Widiyanto


The Nogosari River is one of the rivers in Pacitan Regency with hilly topography, settlements and agricultural
land. This study aims to determine the diversity of existing gastropods and serve as a bio- indicator of river
water quality supported by the physico-chemical parameter conditions. Sampling for gastropods used a plot
method with purposive sampling technique at 3 stations, namely in the upstream area, in the surrounding area
(DAM), and in areas close to rice fields. Sampling with a plot measuring 1m x 1m installed at each station as
many as 10 plots with 10 repetitions. Data analysis carried out included diversity and abundance indices,
analysis of physico-chemical factors. Based on the research data found 10 species, namely Melanoides
granifera, Melanoides tuberculata, Thiara rufis, Thiara scabra, Terebia granifera, Brotia testudinaria,
Sulcospira testudinaria, Elimia acuta, Lymnea rubiginosa, and Pilla ampulacea Gastropod diversity was
known by calculating the Shannon- Wiener diversity index ( H '). The results of the calculation show that the
average diversity at stations 1 to 3 is 2.09 which means that it is in the range 1.0 <H '<3.322 and is an index
of moderate diversity, sufficient productivity, and the ecosystem is quite balanced, the state of the water is
moderately polluted, supported with abundance data as well as physico-chemicalindicators.
Keywords : Diversity, Gastropods, Bioindicators, Physico-Chemical

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