Pengembangan Ensiklopedia Berbasis Keanekaragaman Arthropoda Permukaan Tanah Melalui Identifikasi di Kaasan Situs Mangiran Saradan Kabupaten Madiun

I’is Ariska, Joko Widiyanto, Marheny Lukitasari


This research aims to develop an encyclopedia based on diversity of soil surface Arthropods through identification in the Mangiran Saradan Site area as literacy and reading material. The study was conducted in the teak forest of Mangiran Site area, Saradan District, Madiun Regency. The study was conducted using the research procedures for developing the Four-D Model (4-D model), namely Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. The study was conducted at 3 points of observation stations which were marked using the Global Position System (GPS) and determined by purposive sampling technique. Data collection uses 2 methods, namely the method of direct observation and the pitfall trap method at each observation station for 6 repetitions. The results showed the diversity of Arthropods in the mangrove site area was classified as moderate with a diversity index H '= 1.580296 consisting of 13 species from 12 families and 4 classes. The species found are arranged in a product in the form of an encyclopedia that has been validated through 2 validators, namely material expert validation and media expert validation. The percentage of expert validation results shows 90% for material experts and 100% from media experts, so that it can be concluded that the encyclopedia of land surface Arhtropods is very valid or feasible to use.


 Keywords: Encyclopedia, Arthropod diversity in soil surface

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