Betty Pastika Nurdiyanti, Cicilia Novi Primiani, Nurul Kusuma Dewi


This study aims to produce valid scientific literacy-based worksheets on the structure and function of valid plants. This study uses a research and development type from Thiagarajan, with developer steps using 4D or four models, namely Defind (definition), Design (design), Develop (development) and Disseminate (spread). The define stage (definition) is to analyze the problem of existing teaching materials by collecting various information from several references which will later be used to formulate learning objectives. Furthermore, the design stage is to determine the selection of media with the achievement of competencies that will be achieved by students. In this stage there are 2 stages, namely product design and format design. Product design contains perceptions, plant structure material and questions arranged based on KD, indicators and learning objectives. After the concept of the material is finished, then the format design. In this stage, determine the form of the student worksheet format that is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum and the initial worksheets are designed. Then the develop stage (development), at this stage validating the design and validation of material experts. Design validation is an assessment of product design that is carried out by providing an assessment based on rational thinking, without field testing. Design validation by asking a team of experienced experts to assess the design so that the validator's suggestions and input are used as the basis for product improvement. After revising, the next step is to disseminate (dissemination), this stage is the distribution of LKS products which will later be distributed through the Florea journal web of biology education at UNIPMA in the form of a paper. The validity of the worksheets is obtained from the feasibility of language, concept suitability and completeness of the material content. Based on the results of the LKS validator assessment in the feasibility category, it is quite feasible with a percentage of 73%, so it is suitable for use in learning.

Keywords: Science Literacy, Student Worksheets (LKS)

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