Robiatul Auliyah


This research attempts to analyze the factors of the determination of housing prices. Demand of house estates is high caused the housing prices are increasing. Surabaya and Bandung are the objects of observation because both are metropolitan cities. The high purchasing power requires consideration of the selling price, land area, building area, distance of the house to the highway, distance of the house to shopping center and the like. The purposes of this study are (1) to find out the variables significantly effect on selling prices of the houses. (2) to find out the comparison between selling prices of houses in Surabaya and in Bandung. Estimated selling prices in Surabaya and Bandung used the multiple linear regression models. It will analyze the comparison between existing home prices in Surabaya and Bandung using Minitab. Classical assumptions are the requirements should be met on multiple linear regressions models. The data used in this research is 100 houses sales each 50 houses in Surabaya and 50 houses in Bandung. The results of this study are variables of electrical, LSF, bathroom, Water Supply Company significantly effect on selling price in Surabaya. Then the variables that significantly effect on selling price in Bandung are electrical, LSF, and BSF. While the comparison of the selling price of houses in Surabaya and Bandung by using Google Trend, the city of Bandung is higher than those interested in buying a Surabaya home.

Keywords: Surabaya houses selling prices, Bandung houses selling prices, multiple linear regressions.

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