Intan Aistya Cahyani


This research is motivated by rapid development of advanced technology, one of which is
the development of payment instruments namely non-cash payment instruments or e-money.
This study aims to determine the factors that influence the intensity of e-money usage with
behavioral intention to use as an intervening variable. This research is quantitative study
with data collection using a questionnaire distributed via Google form. The population in
this study is unknown (all users of e-money technology). The sampling method is by
purposive sampling. The number of samples collected was 200 respondents. Data analysis
technique used is path analysis. The results of this study indicate that: (1) perceived
usefulness and performance expentancy have positive and significant effect on the intensity
of e-money use; (2) perceived ease of use and social influence have no positive and
significant effect on the intensity of e-money use; (3) perceived ease of use and social
influence have positive and significant effect on behavioral intention to use e-money
transactions; (4) perceived usefulness and performance expentancy have no significant
effect on behavioral intention to use e-money transactions; (5) behavioral intention to use
can mediate performance expentancy variables on the intensity of e-money use while
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and social influence variables do not affect the
intensity of e-money use through behavioral intention to use e-money transactions.
Keywords: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, performance
expentancy, behavioral intention to use and intensity of use, e-money.

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