Ike Citra Merryana


This study aims to examine the results of GCG such as the influence of independent board of commissioners, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, audit committee on the performance of banking companies in Indonesia. Companies that practice GCG will improve their image, and improve company performance. Controlling companies is important to have Good Corporate Governance (GCG), in addition to being able to equip themselves in leading companies, this knowledge can also make work more effective. In this study, company performance was measured using the ROA formula. This study uses secondary data derived from the Annual Financial Statements of Banking Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2013-2017. This study uses a purposive sampling method and uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of computer software for SPSS version 22 statistics. The results show that the independent board of commissioners does not have a significant positive effect on company performance, institutional ownership has a significant negative effect on company performance, managerial ownership has a negative effect significant effect on company performance, and the audit committee does not have a significant positive effect on company performance.


Keywords: Company performance, independent board of commissioners, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, audit committee, GCG.

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