Sistem Informasi Asrama Berau Menggunakan Metode Prototype

Takwa Abdul Rozak, Siti Aminah, Arif Tirtana


Acceptance of new residents at the Berau dormitory in Indonesia only uses a manual system, documents are prone to being damaged or lost. Data collection that has not been recorded properly causes the data collection process to not run well and disrupts the dormitory's development process. The aim of this research is to design an information system that can manage the income of new residents and collect data on dorm residents. The system designed uses the PHP programming language with the CodeIgniter 4 Framework and MYSQL for the database. At the implementation stage, testing was carried out using the black box method, and the results of this information system produced a dashboard with the main features of accepting new residents and resident data collection, as well as additional features such as data management, room info, archives/correspondence, and dormitory financial reports along with print feature.


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