An analysis of politeness refusal utterances in javanese language used by mejayan village community
Politeness is crucial, especially for Javanese people who still adhere to their norms and considerate heritage. Therefore, this study aims to determine politeness refusal utterances by Mejayan Village Community. The objectives of this study is to identify the forms of politeness on Javanese language in refusal utterances used by Mejayan Community based on (Leech, 2014) approach. This study use a qualitative research to analize the data. The data was taken by spreading the questionnaire that contained illustrations of offering in daily conversations according to it’s social strata to be answered by Mejayan Community. The result shows that from the six of (Leech, 2014) maxims, there are (6%) maxim of wisdom, (29%) maxim of generosity, (15%) maxim of praise, (23%) maxim of humility, (12%) maxim of agreement and (15%) maxim of simpathy. Maxim of generosity is the most used by Mejayan Community in a refusing offers, it found that because the speaker have a close relationship or lower social strata according to the speech partner.
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