
This research aims to describe and to explain the Language Use in Elementary School Students at State Elementary School (SDN) 15 Sempalai Tebas, Tebas Sub District, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan. This research restricted its scope to: 1) The form of the language variety students use, 2) The form of mixing code and switching code students use, and 3) The effect of language use in Elementary School Students to the Indonesian language learning process. This research is focus on field research by using the descriptive method with sociolinguistic approach. The data in this research is come from the language use in elementary school students, from oral language that used in the inside and outside classroom. The subject of research was taken using purposive sampling technique, collecting data used direct observation and indepth interview. After ward analyzed by using identity method. The form of language variety catagorized in to tree of basic code specifically Indonesian language (BI), Malay language with Sambas Dialect (BMDS), and Chinese Language with Hakka Dialect (BTDK). All three of these languages have their respective roles in daily communication in SDN 15 Sempalai Tebas. Some form of mixing code including code mixing in word form, clause, frase, baster, repeated word, intern mixing code, and extern mixing code. The occurrence of switching code is caused by several factors: the speaker, the audient or listenner, the presence of a third speaker, the change of discussion topics. Results of the analysis showed language using in elementary school students in SDN 15 have negatives impact to Indonesian language lerning process in elementary school students.


Dialect, language use, code mixing, code switching

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