Understanding Of Teacher In SDN 2 Kawedanan Toward Learning Literacy

Dewi Tryanasari, Septi Aprilia, Winda Ayu Cahya


Literacy is a very important skill taught in schools. Literacy in elementary school is a tool to build positive characteristics since 2015 Ministry of Education and Culture has launched school literacy, especially in elementary school. To implement this program requires an in-depth understanding of teachers as the spearhead of education towards the essence of literacy itself. This research is trying to reveal the understanding of literacy and cross-curriculum literacy among teachers in SDN Kawedanan 2 Magetan Regency. This research used qualitative approach of phenomenology. The data collecting technique used was interview while triangulation of data used triangulation data. The result of the research showed that the teacher's understanding in SDN Kawedanan 2 Magetan toward the literacy and literacy cross the curriculum was not good. For that suggestion that can be submitted is there must be follow-up research in the form of socialization program and dissemination of literacy and literacy cross curriculum.


literacy; teachers’ understanding

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