Mental Revolution Based on Local Wisdom to Improve The Performance of Teachers at School in Remote Area

Dodo Sutardi, Haimah Haimah, Dihamri Dihamri


Shortage of   teachers at school in remote area   is not the main cause of the ineffectiveness of the learning process, but due to the many teachers who are absent from duty (the findings of the authors on the study of the performance of teachers at school in remote area, 2015). Mental is not good that was shown teachers as it does not only have implications for mental people at schools, but also reduces public trust of the teacher as a source of reinforcing the values of mental revolution; integrity, work ethic and mutual cooperation.  Therefore, to repair or regrow and public confidence, the necessary synergy between the understanding of the values that were created at the school with the great value that growth and development in remote areas of society (local wisdom). This paper describes the results of research and study of theory about: 1) the view of the mental revolution; 2) The mental revolution  in the educational setting;  3) school  conditions  and  situation in  remote areas;  4) an  overview of the performance of primary school teachers in remote areas; 5) weaknesses of  program of improvement performance teacher   in remote areas; 6) Local wisdom as a source of internal motivation to improve teacher performance.


mental revolution; local wisdom; performance of teacher; school in remote area

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