Using Project-Based Learning and Tik Tok Media to Teach Speaking for Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 1 Jiwan

Shelin Ervianza, Yuli Kuswardani, Arri Kurniawan


This research is conducted to explain the use of Project-Based Learning and Tik-Tok media to teach speaking. The objectives of the research are to describe the use of PjBL and Tik Tok media to teach speaking and to describe the problems and solutions found in using PjBL and Tik-Tok in teaching speaking. The research approach is qualitative research, and the type is qualitative descriptive. The participants of this research were XIB students of SMAN 1 Jiwan, while the number of samples taken was 27. The data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentation. The result of this research on using PjBL and Tik-Tok media to teach speaking skills is that there are problems and solutions. The researcher finds three problems in using PjBL and Tik-Tok media to teach speaking: first, students are not confident and lack motivation to speak English. Second, students have difficulty pronouncing words because they lack vocabulary. Third, the students are having problems with the bad school Wi-Fi signal. The solutions are: first, the teacher gives motivation to the students to be confident in learning English. Second, students should watch more videos that use English to increase their vocabulary. Third, improve the Wi-Fi quality at school.


Teaching Speaking; Project Based Learning; Tik Tok

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