Using Cooperative Learning and Matching Card Game Media to Teach Reading Skill for the Seventh Grade Student of SMP 9 Madiun in the Academic Year of 2024/2025

Alda Asriyani, Nuri Ati Ningsih, Fitra Pinandhita


The role of English is vital nowadays in various factors of life. Reading awareness is also very important in understanding each concept and the essence of the learning design plan. The research approach used is qualitative descriptive research. The method used is a Cooperative Learning Strategy and Matching Card Media which is considered more suitable for junior high school students because at this level of teaching requires more interaction between teachers and students and stimulates student creativity. Using Cooperative Learning and Matching Cards to overcome students’ problems in reading. This research aims to analyse (1) The application of using Matching Card to teach reading skill for the seventh-grade students of SMP 9 Madiun. (2) The advantages of using Matching Card to teach reading skill for the seventh-grade students of SMP 9 Madiun. (3) The disadvantages of using Matching Card to teach reading skill for the seventh-grade students of SMP 9 Madiun. To collect data, researchers used observation, interview and documentation techniques. Researchers used three data sources, namely social situations, participants, documents and used other instruments including: observation checklist, interview guide, lesson plans, student grades, and photos. The research location is at SMP 9 Madiun, especially class 7E with a total of 25 students participating. where this school is one of the best schools in Madiun. The results showed that (1) The application of using Matching Card to teach reading skill consists of three stages of activities named: pre-activity, main activity, and post-activity.  (2) The advantages of using Matching Card to teach reading skill for the seventh-grade students of SMP 9 Madiun, among others: increases the creativy and spirit of students, helps attract students’ interest in game media, and make students not tired of receiving learning. (3) The disadvantages of using Matching Card to teach reading skill for the seventh-grade students of SMP 9 Madiun, among other: difficulty understanding and assembling vocabulary and non condusive class condition.


Teaching Reading; Cooperative Learning; Matching Card.

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