The Implementation of “The Power of Two” Method, in Reading Expository Text to Student of SMAN 1 Jiwan

Dian Septi Puspitasari, Nuri Ati Ningsih, Arri Kurniawan


The right learning method must be applied by the teacher to improve students' reading comprehension. "The Power of Two" method is one of the appropriate methods to improve students' reading comprehension. There are several steps in using this method, and there are advantages and disadvantages in using this method. This research uses qualitative research with descriptive qualitative research methods. The population in this study was 25 students. The sample of this study is 12 students taken from 6 groups in reading learning with "the power of two" method. In this study, we used observation checklist, interview, and documentation. The researcher used triangulation technique to analyze the data. The results showed that there were some steps in using "the power of two" method to learn to read expository text in class X/A of SMAN 1 Jiwan in the 2024-2025 school year. the research also found advantages and disadvantages of using this method..


Emotional Intelligence; Movie; Animated Movie

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