Ember’s Emotional Intelligence in “Elemental: Force of Nature” (2023)

Sukma Tiara Pangestu, Vita Vendityaningtyas, Yuli Kuswardani


The ability of a person to manage their emotions and attitudes to others, including their speech patterns, body language, and interactions with others. The purpose of this research is 1.) to analyze how Ember’s emotional intelligence in Elemental: Force of Nature movie 2,) the effect of Ember’s ability in controlling her emotional intelligence in her life. In this research, the researcher used the theory of Emotional Intelligence by Goleman (2016). The researcher uses the qualitative data analysis method with data collection using practical approach method. The researcher examines parts of the film, capture images that represent specific events in relevant scenes, and extract dialogue or narration from characters that convey moral messages related to emotional intelligence.  This method is chosen for its ability to identify both visible and invisible messages from the documents being studied. As a result of Ember's mental intelligence is demonstrated by recognizing her own emotions, managing her emotions, motivating herself, recognizing the emotions or feelings of others and also building relationships. And the effect she received was that she could control her emotions and connect with others easily. Ember benefits from having great emotional intelligence; she interacts with people more patiently, remains composed under pressure, and develops cooperation and trust in her environment.


Emotional Intelligence; Movie; Animated Movie

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