Improving Vocabulary Skill using Big Book Media in Teaching Lower Classes of Young Learners

Rida Fahas


Teaching English to young learner is a difficult task. An engaging object should be brought into the classroom to help the pupils focus. Big books are one type of media that has the ability to both amuse pupils and help them understand linguistic concepts. The objective of this study is to determine whether vocabulary achievement among kids is significantly impacted.  in the first grade of elementary school, both before and after using a large book as a teaching tool. Here, with a quasi-experimental design, the researchers employed a quantitative methodology. The topic of thi Each group of 35 students participated in the research. The primary learning activities that are carried out the pre-test, treatment, post-test, and try-out phases. The researcher utilised the ttest in analysis to compute the information and verify the theory. The findings of this study showed that the application of Big books have a major impact on pupils' vocabulary development. Additionally, the outcome of in the I-B experimental class, the vocabulary recognition task, or VRT, demonstrated more positive results.  This suggests that in order to provide engaging lessons to young students, teachers must be dynamic and imaginative. media to encourage students to study the target language, particularly in the inside the EFL framework.


Big Book; Teaching Vocabulary; Young Learner

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