Impact of Global Education Dynamics on International Student Mobility Trends in Taiwan

Khafifa Fuji Lestari, Dwi Rosita Sari, Kamariah Kamariah


The global education market influences the movement of international students in higher education. This change is influenced by economic, social, and technological elements, crossing borders between educational institutions, allowing students to explore academic options beyond their home country. Taiwan, as one of the increasingly preferred destinations for higher education, attracts attention with the rapid growth in the number of international students. It is important to analyze the complexity of the global education market and how these factors affect the mobility of international students in Taiwanese higher education. This research utilizes a literature review methodology. The analysis results found that factors influencing the mobility of international students in Taiwan include scholarships and financial support, which are crucial factors in decision-making for students. The quality of education and government policies also drive the surge in the number of international students. Despite challenges such as imbalanced talent mobility and the impact of the global market on higher education, technological advancements, policy changes, modifications in financial support, and considerations for environmental sustainability remain poised to reshape international student mobility.


Global Education; Higher Education; Mobility

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