The Effect Using Collaborative Strategic Reading on Student’s Reading Comprehension at Students Of The Grade 10th SMAN 1 Jiwan

Sofie Rizky Mahirawati, Nuri Ati Ningsih, Arri Kurniawan


The development of strong reading skills is crucial for fostering a child’s social, language, and cognitive abilities, such as a positive impact on IQ up to age 14. The challenges that have been faced by Indonesia regarding bad literacy need improvement. Reading comprehension in English is an important skill to be taught and learned by students in senior high school. The objective of the research is to report whether the application of Collaborative Strategic reading can impact the reading skills to the students who are treated than other grade 10th students of SMAN 1 Jiwan and they are treated using conventional teaching. The researcher uses a Quantitative approach and the Quasi-Experimental Design in this scientific research. This study utilizes a Quasi-Experimental Design to investigate the potential causal relationship between the Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) method and students’ reading comprehension skills (n=50). The results showed Implementation of Collaborative Strategic Reading demonstrates a statistically significant effect on student reading comprehension at SMA Negeri 1 Jiwan (p = 0.015 and p = 0.036).


Collaborative Strategic Reading; Reading Comprehension; Narrative Text

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