Cultural Semiotic Anlaysis of Mecah Tigan/ Wiji Dadi in Panggihing Temanten Javanese Wedding Ceremony

Embun Titis Sarining Ratri, Aris Wuryantoro, Sigit Ricahyono


This research aims to reveal the meaning of the signs used at the Mecah Tigan ceremony in Javanese weddings. This research uses video documentation of the wedding of a couple in Central Java with the initials NB and DA. The aims of this research are: (1) to describe the Mecah Tigan process, and (2) to analyze the reflection of Javanese culture in the Mecah Tigan procession. By using descriptive qualitative research and use a semiotic approach, the type is cultural semiotics. And uses Roland Barthes' semiotic theory with the concepts of denotation, connotation and myth. Research data was collected using documentation, interviews and content analysis from informants. The results of the research show that: (1) There are five steps in the Mecah Tigan ceremony, namely preparing equipment, respect by the bride to the groom (Sembah Kalbu), stepping on the egg (Mecah Tigan), washing the groom's feet (Wijiki), and last helps to stand (Lantingan); and (2) each equipment and process in the Mecah Tigan/ Wiji Dadi ceremony has its own meaning according to its purpose. The equipment used is a gold tray (Bokor Kencana), clear water, three kinds of flowers, and chicken eggs. This equipment has the meaning of bringing good fortune and as a symbol of new life. Each process is reflected as the start of a new life after marriage, and a form of devotion from the wife to her husband. Apart from that, it has a deep meaning that reflects the harmony between the big universe and the small individual. These concepts of meaning are referred to as macrocosm and microcosm meaning. In this procession it is not only a bond between the bride and groom, but also a harmonization between the bride and groom with the universe and spiritual forces.


Cultural Semiotic; Roland Barthes; Javanese Wedding; Mecah Tigan/ Wiji Dadi

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