The Sexist Language in Instagram Comments Regarding the Marriage of Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita

Anima Putri Fadillah, Dwi Setiyadi


This study analyzes the presence of sexist language in the comment sections of Denny Caknan's and Bella Bonita's Instagram accounts. The purpose of this research is to examine sexist language on Instagram in relation to popular phenomena. The research method used in this study is a qualitative-descriptive design. The population in this research consists of individuals who comment on Instagram posts. The results of this study indicate that the researcher identified several types of sexist language from 50 data points based on Mills' (2006) theory, with 32 instances containing overt sexism and 14 instances containing indirect sexism. The most common type of overt sexism found is jokes, while the most dominant type of indirect sexism is presupposition. Comments containing insults, gender stereotypes, and insulting body shapes are often conveyed in the form of jokes and commenters' assumptions. Each comment is influenced by four social factors: participant, topic, setting, and function, all of which are interrelated with the context in which the comments are made. The comments fall into three categories: representative, expressive, and directive. 


Language; Sexist; Instagram

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