The Effect of Using Webtoon on Students Speaking Skill for Junior High School Students at SMPN 3 Kawedanan

Elsa Setianing Wahyu, Nuri Ati Ningsih, Arri Kurniawan


The purpose of this research is to determine whether there is an effect of using the Webtoon application as a learning medium for eighth graders in their speaking ability. The research conducted was an experimental study using a quasi-experimental design. In this study there were two groups: experimental and control classes. This is used to see if there is an effect on students who receive treatment and classes that only receive learning as usual. Participants in this study were eighth grade students at SMPN 3 Kawedanan. Each class gets an exam. A hypothesis test was conducted to determine the effect of using media in teaching speaking. The results of the hypothesis testing carried out using the Independent Sample T-test show that the sig (2-tailed) value is .000 which is more than 0.05 indicating that H1 is accepted. This research question is answered by an alternative hypothesis which is accepted. As a result, there is a significant difference in students' speaking skills who are treated by Webtoon and those who do not use it.


Speaking; Webtoon; Teaching Speaking

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