The Ideology in Lyrics of Green Day’s Song “21 Guns” A Critical Discourse Analysis

Yosia Hanantyo Nugroho, Dwi Setiyadi, Sigit Ricahyono


The objective of this research is to find out the meaning and how this song was created by analyzing, Text Analysis in 21 Guns song lyrics, Social Cognition of the 21 song. The study is designed as descriptive qualitative research. The results of the analysis are in the text analysis, there are macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure. In the macrostructure analysis, the theme of the song 21 Guns is acquired to be invitation to peace. While, in the superstructure analysis, the song lyrics are composed of intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, bridge, chorus. Lastly, in the microstructure, there are four branches of analysis which includes the semantic element, syntax element, stylistic element, as well as rhetoric element. Each of the elements is found in the lyrics of the song 21 Guns. (2) In the social cognition analysis, there are personal scheme and event scheme. In personal scheme, the songwriter of 21 Guns, explained himself that the song is used as a salute for someone that's fallen. In event scheme, the Gulf War III has inspired the establishment of Green Day’s 21 Guns song and the social context of the study, there are three different perspectives of the song 21 Guns which are interpreted by the majority of the listeners of the song. War perspective interprets the song within the context of a war, couple perspective interprets the song as a fight between couples within a relationship, and universal perspective interprets the song as a general struggle people experience in the daily life.


Critical Discourse Analysis; Song Lyrics; Van Dijk’s Approach

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