The Effect of TBLT Method on Students’ Speaking Skill For the Sevent Grade of SMP N 1 Geger

Firda'sa Nurvika Nugroho, Nuri Ati Ningsih, Arri Kurniawan


The purpose of this research is to investigate whether the students who are employed by using TBLT Method have better speaki skill than the students who are employed by using conventional teaching. This research method is quantitative and quasiexperimental design. The population in this research was students at seventh grade students in SMP N 1 Geger, specificallyVII A and VII B. The data was collectedby using speaking tests. The researcher used SPSS version 20 and Independent Sample T-test to analyze student scores. The results show that the use of the TBLT method has an effect on students' speaking ability. The speaking score of the experimental class was proven to be higher, as evidenced by the average score of 83,44 in the experimental class and 73,38 in the control class. This shows that there is a significant difference in the speaking skills of students who are treated with the TBLT method and those who are treated with conventional teaching. Based on the explanation above, the use of TBLT method have an significance effect in speaking skills.


Teaching Speaking; Speaking Skills; TBLT Method

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