Online Learning Through Google Meet in Extensive Reading Class: The Students Perception

Nuri Ati Ningsih, Sofie Rizky Mahirawati


This research aims to investigate the students’ perceptions on the use of Google Meet in Extensive Reading class in the English Department of Universitas PGRI Madiun. It is a descriptive method.  It involved 18 students of the second semester of English Department who attend Extensive Reading Class in 2021/2022 academic year as a sample of the research or as the respondent.  The research data are collected by using questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were filled by the students through Google form. The result shows that the students give a positive perception. The result of an analysis indicates that Google Meet is very helpful and effective in assisting the lecture and the students in the process of Extensive reading class along the Covid 19 pandemic. This application is very helpful since it is easy to use and access and it has an attractive appearance.  This is categorised into an effective application by reason of saving time, money and energy when we use it.


Google Meet; Students Perception; Extensive Reading

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