Sunarto Sunarto


Experience and Education book were written by John Dewey twenty-two years after his book about education titled Democracy and Education, published in 1916. The idea of Dewey on education more broadly and systematically presented in the book. In the booklet, Dewey tried to reformulate education after education theory called Progressivism, that misinterpretation is often identified with the theory of education, pretty much practiced and inviting a lot of criticism. In the book specifically, Dewey explained that educators are looking for new ideas and inspiration in education and not get caught up in just doing the dichotomy of the traditional pattern-by-pattern of progressive education, by treating both as ideas and schools of thought merely mutually exclusive. Instead, they need to develop new educational system that is truly based on experience; an educational system that respects all the resources and experience to become the true vehicle of learning, ie learning contextual to the social, cultural, and historical, as well as the subject of their students are harmony, order, and dynamic


John Dewey, Pragmatism, Education, Progressivism

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________, 1958, Philosophy of Education, New Jersey: Littlefield Adam and Co.

________,1962, The Child and Curriculum the School and Society, Chicago: The University of Chicago.

________, 1964, Democracy and Education, New York: The Macmillan Company.

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