Minto Minto, Dian Anisa Rokhmah Wati


The business of Catfish Farmers (PIL) has become increasingly restless because of the high price of catfish feed in the market. Seeing the progress that is progressing, the increasing number of PILs will bring new problems to the local government. Moreover, what is faced in the PIL problem is the reduced quality of catfish feed.

The purpose of this study was to determine the proximate protein content by using a proximate test on catfish feed derived from spice fermentation combined with papaya fruit and starch added with cane treacle.

A total of 9 compositions of spices used in this fermentation, turmeric 0.5 kg, laos 0.5 kg, key 0.5 kg, kencur 0.25 kg, temulawak 0.5 kg, molasses 0.5 kg, betel leaf 0 , 25 kg, temuireng 0.25 kg, ginger 0.25 kg and 0.5 kg blimbing, 1 kg papaya plus sugarcane drops 1.5 liter and IM4 0.5 kg. Seteleh milled the composition of fermented spices to produce 35 liters of fermented liquid, then added 40 liters. The liquid spice mixture is stored for 15 days in a vessel, the fermentation process of catfish feed before consumption takes 1 day. From the results of the study that the content of fermented protein with spices of sugar cane drops of 31.39% with a conversion of 32.41% in catfish feed can increase protein levels in catfish feed.

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