Fadhilah Ratna Arindri, AAni Sulistyarsi


The purpose of this research was to determine the diversity and abdudance of phytoplankton in the Pondok Reservior Ngawi. This research was conducted in April to July 2018. This research uses purposive sampling method by choosing the station location is the sampling place. The chosen station is the edge area of the reservior, the central reservior near of rice field, the central reservior near of fish cages and river flow. This research found 6 species namely Straurastrum, Cosmarium, Navicula, Pinnularian, Microcytis, and Oscillatoria. Measurement results on physical and chemical factors of water which include measurement of water temperature, acidity level, dissolved oxygen and turbidity have a range of values that are quite optimum and support the growth of aquatic organism. The result of the analysis of phytoplankton diversity and abdudance are known that the condition of waters in the Pondok Reservior Ngawi can be classified in the moderate category of the distribution of moderate numbers of individuals and the stability of the water being polluted.

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