Septarini Dian Anitasari, Ajeng Retno Winingsih, Waris Waris, Dwi Nur Rikhma Sari, Ida Ayu Astarini, Made Ria Defiani


Plant sugar cane in Indonesia is increasing along with food needs such as the need for sugar and ethanol. the high need for sugar cane is not balanced with crop productivity. Research to the field of plant biotechnology so can do tissue culture techniques in order to find seeds of plants that are mass, fast, cheap and non-pathogenic on sugar cane. Here using a test of viability of pollen of sugarcane can be seen the germination with the use of a media comparison, i.e. media brewbaker and media kwack. Data were analized by the calculation of percentage to be able to determine the results of T-test. the results of the study indicate that there is a significant influential media brewbaker of on the media kwack to pollen germination sugarcane.

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