The aim of this research was to analyze the vegetation of beach forest in Peucang Island Ujung Kulon National Park. This research was conducted from February until June 2018. This research used transect method and purposive sampling for collecting data. Transect in this study involved four plots which consist of plot 2x2 for seeding, plot 5x5 for stake, plot 10x10 for pole, and plot 40x50 for tree. The result showed that the composition of the type of plants in the all plots have 15 families with 17 species. The highest Important Value Index (IVI) in strata seeding was Sophora tomenttosa (92.86%), in strata stake was Sophora tomenttosa (80.36%), in strata pole was Hibiscus tilaceus (66.04%), and in strata tree was Chalophyllum inophyllum (75.81%). Forest beach in Peucang Island has a temperature ranged between 27-28oC, with the intensity of the light low -, the humidity of the soil dry +, and the ground has pH 7,0. Based on the result, it seems that there is comformity between the habitat and the environment of the beach forest of Peucang Island and the typical plants of beach forest of Peucang Island, Ujung Kulon National Park.
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