The long time this research is to be able to integrate learning about bioethics in the biology education curriculum. Specifically this study aims to determine the level of bioethics knowledge of University biology students. The background of this research stems from the bioethics in the field of biology education in applying knowledge in everyday life. Biology that studies about living things and their environment certainly needs bioethics knowledge since bioethics itself is a reference in carrying out actions related to living things with their environment. Humans who are beneficiaries of other living things with the environment must pay attention to what can be done and not done. The existence of bioethics will maintain the relationship between living things with the environment and not damage natural resources that are already good. As a student of biological education, knowledge about bioethics is needed both in terms of the learning process and in everyday life. Therefore, researchers are very interested in analyzing the level of bioethical knowledge of students of Biology Education at Samawa University. The method used by the researcher is a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are interview techniques, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis in this study uses interactive analysis, namely: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that bioethical knowledge of Samawa University biology education students was included in the high category. The factors that influence the level of bioethical knowledge of students are graduates when taking high school (SMA), the learning model used by lecturers.
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