Rony Irawanto


Botanical gardens not only function as a place for ex-situ conservation of plants, but can provide scientific insights to the general public visiting the botanical gardens. This educational function is usually given when group visitors order a guide service, so that the guide will take the group around the garden by providing information about certain plant collections. Meanwhile, individual or non-group visitors can do this independently by viewing / reading the information boards. However, the availability of information boards is still limited with less detailed information. This limitation can be overcome by developing modules. One of the interesting collections of plants in the Purwodadi Botanical Garden which was appointed as a model is the collection of aquatic plants. This study aims to develop a QR-coded module for a collection of aquatic plants in the Purwodadi Botanical Garden. This aquatic module development procedure includes three stages. The identification stage, which is to observe and inventory the presence of aquatic plants in the garden. The design stage, by compiling routes / paths and scientific information about the aquatic plants encountered. The development stage, in the form of a module layout and uploading of information on each selected aquatic plant on the internet and generating it into a QR code. Data collection was carried out by investing, observing and documenting aquatic plants and tracing scientific references. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and interpretatively. The result is an interpretation path at 4 pond locations with 12 types of aquatic plants arranged in a 11-page thick A5 sized module book. The aquatic plant introduction module contains general information, parts of aquatic plants, observation paths, lists of species and images along with QR codes and the functions of aquatic plants in general. The 12 types of aquatic plants are: Nelumbo nucifera, Lemna minor, Pistia stratiotes, Ceratophylum demersum, Acanthus ilicifolius, Acorus calamus, Sagittaria lancifolia, Echinodorus radicans, Thypa angustifolia, Lasia spinosa, Thalia rubra geniculata and Nymphaea lotus var rubra.


Keywords: Water Plants, Aquatic Module, QRcode, Purwodadi Botanical Garden.

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