Yusninda Nadillia Kuswandani, R. Bekti Kiswardianta, Cicilia Novi Primiani


The development of the world education at this time can occur because of the advancement information technology that is utilized in developing every element of the science field. One of the use of information technology in education is the creation of instructional media or electronic teaching materials. Electronic teaching materials that can be developed in the form of electronic modules or e-modules. The preparation of this e-modul uses kvisoft flip book maker software. This study aim to develop e-modules of plant physiology based on research. The physiology e-module was tested by two expert validators with the results showing 84,37% from material experts and 95% from media experts which shows that the e-module can be used in the field with very good and valid qualifications.

Keywoards: E-module, Plant Physiology, Kvisoft flip book maker

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