Etikumami Fajar, Sri Utami


Improving the quality of education can be developed in various ways including all existing education components. One of the components that can improve the quality of education in Indonesia is learning resources. Learning resources from the research results will be a means used in the teaching and learning process through development in the form of encyclopedics for teaching materials that support the learning process in the classroom. This study aims to compile a valid research-based Encyclopedia of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Variety as a Water Quality Bioindicator. The procedure used is expert validation, namely material experts and media experts. The results of research on the Exploration of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Variety were carried out and then outlined in a research-based encyclopedia. The Encyclopedia of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Variety was tested by two validators, namely material experts and media experts with an average achievement level of 72.5%, these results indicate that the module can be used in the field with proper qualifications.

Keywords: Encyclopedia preparation, macroinvertebrate, bioindicator research.

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