Research has been conducted in May-June 2019 at the entrance to the hiking trail, shadow posts and post 1. This study aims to analyze the variety of Cryptogamae species found in Cemoro Sewu, Mount Lawu, studying the conditions of physico-chemical parameters and the making of module teaching materials from the results of the study. Cryptogamae retrieval uses the plot method and roaming method (cruise method). The retrieval of the Cryptogamae plot method is carried out using many evenly distributed plots and laying them out systematically. The researcher took a plot method with 3 10 plot plots in each plot with a size of 5x5 m2. Taking a 5x5 m2 plot represents a plant community in Cemoro Sewu, Mount Lawu, while the roaming method is done by exploring the climbing path. Observation of roaming methods is done by taking documentation along the climbing path that is passed. Data analysis included abundance, diversity index, and module making based on research data found 10 Pterydophyta (Pteridium aquilinum. Asplenium polyodon, Asplenium adiantum, Davalia denculata, Deyopteris filix, Nephrolepis grandifolia, Adiantum capillus, Sellaginella wildenowuu, Pyrrosia angustata, Cyathea contaminans , 3 Bryophyta (Marchantia polymorpha, Leptostomum inclinans, Bryum argenteum), 5 Mushrooms (Pleurotus pilmonaris, Pleurotus ostreatus, Rigidoporus microcopus, Hirchioporus abietinus, Grifola frondosa) .Various diversity was calculated by calculating the number of important indexes. 49.75% INP Bryophyta species Marchantia polymorpha, INP Mushroom Pleurotus pulmonaris species The results of the validated module analysis showed that "very feasible" was used with a percentage of 92.18%
Keywords: Cryptogamae, diversity, floor vegetation
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