This study aims to determine the diversity and abundance of plankton at Mangrove Ecosystem in Mengare Gresik , which is used as the basis for the constituent material of reading media in the form of an encyclopedia. This research was conducted from boasting in March-July 2019 in Mengare Gresik Forestry Ecosystem Area. The study was conducted using descriptive quantitative methods. The results showed that the diversity and abundance of plankton at Mangrove Ecosystem in Mengare Gresik found 14 phytoplankton species and 11 zooplankton species with the value of diversity and abundance index belonging to the medium level. The results of the study were made as compilers of learning media which the end result was an encyclopedia. After doing the validation with an average value of 87.5% validation it can be stated that the encyclopedia is worthy of being used as a learning media and reading media that is interesting for students.
Keyword:Diversity, Abundance, Plankton, Ensiklopedia
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